samedi 25 avril 2009

IV Reunión Temática del 7PM: Programa Personas: Acciones Marie Curie Individuales y Asociaciones Universidad-Empresa IAPP

Euro-CAT-CSCL en la IV Reunión Temática del 7PM: Programa Personas: Acciones Marie Curie Individuales y Asociaciones Universidad-Empresa IAPP


La Oficina de Proyectos Europeos e Internacionales de la Universidad de Murcia, OPERUM, organiza la IV Reunión Temática del 7PM: Programa Personas: Acciones Marie Curie Individuales y Asociaciones Universidad-Empresa IAPP, que tendrá lugar el próximo día 28 de abril en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Biología, a las 10:00h, con una duración aproximada de dos horas.

En esta ocasión, Amparo Rausa, Punto Nacional de Contacto del Programa Personas, explicará las convocatorias actualmente abiertas y las previstas en 2009, haciendo especial énfasis en las Acciones individuales Marie Curie y en las Acciones que financian las Asociaciones Universidad-Empresa (IAPP).

Margarida Romero, coordinadora del Proyecto Euro-CAT-CSCL financiado por la Comisión Europea en la pasada convocatoria de IAPP, expondrá su experiencia desde la idea al proyecto.

Si están preparando una propuesta y quieren concertar una entrevista con la Punto Nacional de Contacto, por favor, contacten con nosotros antes del jueves 24 de abril a También es posible concertar una entrevista con la coordinadora del proyecto IAPP.

IV Reunión de Trabajo Operum
Programa Personas:
Acciones Marie Curie Individuales y Asociaciones Universidad-Empresa IAPP

Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Biología Murcia, 28 de abril de 2008
9:45 Recepción de asistentes y entrega de documentación
10:00 Programa Personas 7 PM: Convocatoria 2009. Consejos prácticos para la preparación de propuestas.
Dra. Amparo Rausa
Punto Nacional de Contacto. Universidad de Valencia.
10:45 Experiencia en la coordinación de un proyecto IAPP: de la idea al proyecto
Dra. Margarida Romero
Coordinadora del Proyecto Euro-CAT-CSCL
12:00 Ronda de Preguntas y Fin de la Reunión
Información y suscripción
Teléfono: 868 88 77 61 | e-Mail:

Para revisión de propuestas con la NCP, enviar resumen a antes del 24/04/2009
Para entrevista con la Coordinadora del Proyecto Euro-CAT-CSCL, enviar email a antes del 24/04/2009
Universidad de Murcia Oficina de Proyectos Europeos e Internacionales de la UMU

lundi 6 avril 2009

Appel à participation: 8e Journées d’études INFORUM 2009 Techniques et technologies de reporting et d'aide à la décision 20 & 21 avril 2009, Alger

Appel à participation: 8e Journées d’études INFORUM 2009
Techniques et technologies de reporting et d'aide à la décision
20 & 21 avril 2009, Hôtel El_Aurassi, Alger

Le Centre de Perfectionnement de l’Entreprise (CPE), en collaboration avec la Direction
Coordination Groupe Stratégie et Planification Economique (SPE) organise la 8e édition des
journées d’études INFORUM. Cet espace d’échange, organisé annuellement depuis 2002,
permet aux praticiens de l’Entreprise et aux experts de partager leurs savoir-faire et débattre les
recherches liées au thème. La 8e édition, INFORUM 2009, dont le thème est « Techniques et
technologies de Reporting et d'Aide à la Décision», se déroulera du 20 au 21 avril 2009, à
Le programme de l’INFORUM 2009 sera constitué de communications, de retours
d’expériences, de workshops et d’un espace « Open Discussion » animé par la DCG SPE, sur
le système de Reporting de Sonatrach. Plusieurs axes sont prévus dans le programme :
• Reporting et Aide à la décision : État de l'art et État des lieux.
• Technologies de Reporting et d'aide à la décision
• Système d’Information, Knowledge Management, e-learning et Aide à la Décision :
interconnexions et synergies
• Workshops éditeurs : outils et solutions pour le Reporting et l'aide à la décision.

Responsable scientifique de l’Inforum
(041) 48 92 28 – Postes : (2217) 51 86 – 51 87 – 51 21
Remplir le bulletin d’inscription, ci-après, et le faxer à l’un des numéros suivants
(041) 48 92 27 – 47 47 43 – 48 98 48

dimanche 5 avril 2009

Call for articles: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity with Niki Lambropoulos

Call for articles: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity with Niki Lambropoulos

Call for articles:
Community-based Innovation:
Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity

A Special Issue of International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC) ISSN (Online): 1741-8216 - ISSN (Print): 1477-8394

Edited by:

Dr. Niki Lambropoulos
Centre for Interactive Systems Engineering
London South Bank University, London, UK

Margarida Romero
Laboratoire CLLE-LTC UMR5263
Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France

Overall Objectives of the Special Issue
The main aim of this special issue is to bring together the potential of web-based communities with creativity and innovation. Secondly this special issue will focus on the role of web-based communities in corporate learning and idea generation (Senge, 1990). This special issue will also focus on real life case studies where such evaluations have been applied and validated. The special issue not only will report first experiences and debates, but also aims to go beyond the current state of the art by looking at future prospects and emerging applications.

Community-based Innovation:
Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity
Creativity is a human value that has been recognized as a key factor not only for economic growth but also for the physical survival of the society. Many innovative products are now created by teams and organizations and implemented in real life settings. For example, the Internet itself is a network of individual creative contributions by collect/relate/create/donate (Shneiderman, 2002). Consequently, the involvement of users constructing a shared context aims to exchange ideas and experiences and consequently affects the insights of the other members. For Harper and colleagues (2008) such collaborative creativity is a characteristic that makes us essentially human and will continue to manifest with technology. In today’s crisis, the enhancement of personal as well as corporate innovation and creativity through new technologies are seen as an opportunity to overcome the economic difficulties (International Telecommunication Union, 2009).

Computer-enabled creativity and open innovation means that people can become consumers, creators, producers, programmers or publishers as well as users. Decentralised and interlinked user-innovation platforms, mash-up and Web 2.0 tools now support extensive enquiries for further analyses and syntheses enabling creative authoring, designing, learning, and playing. This proliferation of applications that allow such co-creation sometimes generate the phenomenon of multiple data sources and services pulled together to produce new applications, services as well as knowledge. Such co-creative engagement has been enhanced by entirely new applications; in result, the distinction between designer and user is harder to draw (Harper et. al, 2008). Thus, new possibilities arise for idea creation, innovation and problem solving; in this way, we shape the tools and in turn, the tools shape us.

However, referring to as one the dangers of Web 2.0, security for copyright and privacy as well as plagiarism are engineering and social problems. Braund (2008) suggests that when individual activities merge with the ones of the community’s, privacy and control are endangered. Plagiarism also has security and ethical issues and is characterised as an endemic disease in universities (e.g. Culwin & Lancaster, 2004).

Consequently, designing shared contexts for co-creative engagement can support quality in communication to elicit and articulate opportunities and challenges and provide tuned solutions for everyone. This involves systematic design procedures to ensure creative collaboration on all levels as well as taking into account the negative effects of such enterprises.

Finally, the objective of the special issue is to serve all parts involved in Community-based Innovation: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity in both business and education sector such as education, communication studies, sociology and anthropology, computer science and Human-Computer Interaction.

-Braund, D. (2008). Business beguiled by collaboration. Information World Review, April, 2008, p.9.
-Culwin, F. & Lancaster, T. (2004). 'An integration suite of tools to assist investigation of non-originality', Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice & Policy Conference. St James Park, Newcastle upon Tyne 28-30 June. Newcastle: Northumbria University Press, pp 49-55. (
-Harper, R., Rodden, T., Rogers, Y. & Sellen, A. (2008). Being Human: Human Computer Interaction in 2020. Microsoft research, Cambridge, U.K., 2008.
-UN International Telecommunication Union (2009) Confronting the Crisis: Its Impact on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry. Mobile World Congress. 16-19 February 2009 Barcelona
-Shneiderman, B. (2002). Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

The Target Audience
Since the ultimate goal of the suggested methodologies is the use of the results of successful interventions, the target audience is everyone who is interested in Community-based Innovation: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity - either individuals, universities other organizations or companies.

RECOMMENDED TOPICS include but are not limited to the following
• Introduction to Community-based Innovation & Collaborative Creativity: Conceptual analysis
-Theories before and after the turn of the century
-Challenges and opportunities ahead
• Community-based Innovation: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity: Study of tools and techniques on and not limited to
-Creative engagement in the 21st century
-Self expression and problem-solving
-Creative engagement evaluation
-Privacy and trust
-Implications for Interaction Design
-Impact on society
• Collaborative Creativity in Online Communities: Applicability
-Social Software
-Web 2.0 and Mash-up tools
-User Innovation and Creativity Networks
-The role of global hyper-connectivity
• Analysis: multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches as in query-based techniques (interviews, focus groups, surveys; content and discourse analysis); the use of ethnographic methodologies and fieldwork.
• Design: Conceptual and detailed design; ontologies; design to enhance ideas sharing and co-creativity; participatory design; prototyping (paper/electronic); screen design; CSCC architecture; design of CSCC schemes and features; other innovative design approaches.
• Evaluation: Tools and evaluation techniques; multidisciplinary evaluation; frameworks to apply results into practice.
• Case studies
• Special Topics: future trends

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit the manuscript on or before July 30, 2009. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by August 10, 2009 about the status of their proposals. Full rough drafts are expected to be submitted by November 30, 2009. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a blind review basis. The journal’s format prerequisites for the final submissions are here:

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by mail to:
niki (at) * mail (at)